Saturday, June 24, 2006

Barkerisms: Season 34's in the books edition

Here they finally are, the Barkerisms from the final 7 episodes of season 34. Enjoy!

"You need a new group of friends!" - Bob, after Danielle's group told her to stop in It's In The Bag (costing her a chance to win $4,000)

"Remedios, don't make this difficult! They'll answer, wherever they are!" - Bob, after Remedios turned playing One Away into utter confusion

"Everybody's in a hurry on this show today!" - Bob, after TWO contestants in the same show headed right up on stage after being called

"Now I have Diane bookends here!" - Bob, after a Diane got called down to fill the empty spot at the end of Contestant's Row (and there was already a Diane on the other end)

"That is far and away the most popular bid of the day thus far!" - Bob, after Ronald bid $1

Diane: "Come on, Bob!"
Bob: "It's not my fault! I just pull it out! Don't blame ol' Bob!"
- Bob, after Diane drew an envelope with 0 in it on Pocket Change

"I'm so glad there's not another overbid!" - Bob, not only after an overbid, but after John dragged things out (not know what he was bidding on, not paying attention to anyone else's bids)

"I just noticed: You're all still standing! Get seated, please! I think that is the longest standing ovation of my entire career!" - Bob, after the audience was still on their feet, even after the first item was bid on

"I want to clear up a misunderstanding. I thought the audience was still standing for me, giving me a standing ovation. But I look back just now, and they're standing for that car... A standing ovation for the car. I guess this is just a standing ovation crowd!" - Bob, who has an audience that'd make Ms. "I hate sitters!" Madonna happy

"Now, Hilda, I have good news for you, and bad news for you. The good news is, you've been called to be a contestant down in Contestant's Row. The bad news is, you're up on stage. Get down there where you belong!" - Bob, on yet another contestant who doesn't know what "Come on down!" means

"With this attempt to get sympathy, I think Hilda thinks she's on 'Queen For A Day'. But this is The Price Is Right!" - Bob, after Hilda said "I've been married for 63 years and I can't get on stage!" during the commercial break, then claimed she can't think straight from sleeping on the sidewalk since midnight to get in

"He does the game better than I do!" - Bob, after forgetting to gave Wayne one of the price tags for Race Game

"Now, John, is that secret X is there (the top), you win. If that secret X is there (the middle), you win. If that secret X is there (the bottom)... Well, you'll get to spin the big wheel at the end of the show!" - Bob, summing up the situation for John on Secret X

Marilyn: "I love you! I love you!"
Bob: "You'll love me more if you win this car!"
- Bob & Marilyn, while playing Ten Chances

"Been watching ever since he was a little boy, and he ends up on the wrong side of the wheel!" - Bob, after Oliver tried to walk over to the right side of the wheel to spin it

"And, Mom? She's been on television, right here, for the last hour!" - Bob, after Tessa (one of the first four called down) said hi to her mother before the final One-Bid

"Now, I would just like to point out to anyone who may be about to spin the big wheel that it might help to say something particularly nice to Bob!" - Bob, after Cyrus got $1.00, and who said Bob was the best dressed man on television before spinning

The Barkerism of the Week, though, is not just funny, but a public service announcement: Don't be an obnoxious neighbor!

"When the doors opened, I asked Ronald if he liked the prizes. He said 'Ohh, I like music and drinking!' I'm worried about his poor neighbors! How would you like to live next door to, or above, or below a drunk drummer?!" - Bob, on Ronald's reaction to playing for a bar set and a drum set

Thanks for another great season, Bob! And the best thing is, season 35 is just around the corner!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Barkerisms: All caught up edition

Whew.. The good news is I'm all caught up. The bad news is, there's only seven first-run episodes left in season 34...


"Well, here you are.. I've been waiting for you for 19 years!" - Bob, after Rachel said she's waited 19 years to meet him

"You know, the way the audience is going oooohhh... And aaaahhhh... The viewers will never believe that's real, and not a tape!" - Bob, on the audience's reactions during Temptation

"During the last commercial break, this young man in the back of the audience held up this picture. People in the audience immediately assumed it was Errol Flynn. No, that was - is - a young Bob Barker. That picture was a promotional picture taken of me just before my very first episode of Truth Or Consequences back in 1956. I was so cute then!" - Bob, on that 50 year old photo of himself

"A jumping spin! Careful! You can lose your tooth that way!" - Bob, after Katherine did a jumping spin

"Ahd Michelle was sitting next to a young lady who announced she is not a group, which is also exciting!" - Bob, proving that everyone who comes to TPIR isn't part of a group!

"Everyone was looking back there, I thought I had Pamelas coming from every direction!" - Bob, after Pamela was called down

"Someone was talking about drinking during the last commercial, and obviously... No." - Bob, after Austin got mixed up while bidding

"Before I look at this, let me ask, are there any zeroes on the board?!" - Bob, after Austin went from $250 to $100 to $50 on his first three punches on Punchboard

"It's six nights. You can't stay down there during the day!" - Bob, after Casey asked how long the trip to Victoria, BC was

"During that commercial break, I was asked about how Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico became Truth Or Conseqeunces, New Mexico. It used to be Hot Spring, New Mexico until Ralph Edwards began a letter-writing campaign and got them to change it. Well, it occured to me that we should start a letter-writing campaign and get, say, Chicago, to change its name to The Price Is Right, Illinois! And Oprah, who is of course very famous, would then be taping her show from The Price Is Right!" - Bob, who thinks TPIR needs a city named after it

"Now, you understand, twelve hundred dollars wasn't her choice of bids, it was just easier to say!" - Bob, after Ruth had trouble saying her bid

"You know, normally I believe that kind of bid is good strategy, but doing that after all the trouble she had saying her bid was just downright mean!" - Bob, after Anthony $1-upped Ruth

"We had one woman who once played this same game. She won all five chips, and put all five chips into zero... She shot herself in the parking lot!" - Bob, after Jared won only $500 on Plinko, getting four zeroes

"Now, this is an interesting situation. If we don't get it all the way around, I'm disqualified, right?" - Bob, who helped Karen spin the wheel on her bonus spin

Bob: "Do you know this gentleman?"
Malba: "No. No!"
Bob: "You must know he. He got up and hit her in middle ofthe back! You know her, Robert? You do?"
Malba: "He watches you more than I do. I have to work to support him!"
- Bob and Malba, after Robert (Malba's husband) got up and playfully hit her in the back

"Nicholas, I saw that! That page is taking her job too seriously! Nicholas was coming right up on stage, and she tripped him! An attorney will be calling her for him!" - Bob, after Nicholas tripped on the steps while trying to come right up on stage after being called on down

"Here you came all the way from Sparta, Tennessee, to be booed on The Price Is Right!" - Bob, after Joan didn't get the wheel all the way around

"Ohh, so close! And you worked so hard, too!" - Bob, after Joan just missed a dollar, and didn't get enough to move onto the Showcases

"Don't listen to your daughter, listen to somebody else!" - Bob, after Rita after struggled on Ten Chances

"I get the feeling they're going to start throwing things at Rita in a second!" - Bob, on the audience's frustration

But this week's Barkerism Of The Week must make John Glenn happy - he now knows his record is safe!

"'Space Coast of Florida loves Bob Barker!' Well, I'm happy... 'Bob Barker on the next space...' No, no, thank you! That's all right! I'm too old for that!" - Bob, commenting on Shayan's T-Shirt

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Barkerisms - almost there edition

Unfortunately, June 5-9 (aka Recovery Week) was yet another slow week for Barkerisms. I don't know if they're feeling rushed, but Bob hasn't been quite himself the last couple of weeks.. Let's hope he bounces back to form.

Just to let everyone know, the Barkerisms from the following week will go up in a day or two. However, the week of the 19-23 will be a few days late. No, I'm not planning to slack off again - after that week, there will only be two more new episodes before summer break begins. Since there's no point in adding a final post with only two shows worth, I'll just post them at the same time as the 19-23 shows...


"Now audience, I think you will agree me with that this is getting boring, isn't it?!" - Bob, after all four contestants overbid twice

"Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness!" - Bob, after not hearing any buzzers after the third round of bids

"But it's not just a vacuum, it's a lavender vacuum. Isn't that exciting?!" - Bob, on the vacuum offered in Temptation

"You see that? She threw a pretty good right there!" - Bob, after Leann took a swing at Kevin after he $1-upped her

"You know, I had thought you said $83. If you had, you probably would've won. Can we edit that out? No, the other people will probably complain!" - Bob, after everyone overbid

"Enjoy your new car... And I hope your husband enjoys your old one!" - Bob, as Nellena left the stage

"I certainly didn't imply that you had been drinking!" - Bob, after Donna stumbled coming up the stairs and swore she wasn't drunk

"Now, they've been down in Contestant's Row since the show started. Notice when they first started out, they just bid. Then as the show went on, they bid slower and slower. And now they're turning to the audience, as if to say 'I need help!'" - Bob, on Jacob and Sandra's show-long bidding patterns

"He says he saw me do a Miss Universe pagaent there, around 1898!" - Bob, after Francis said he saw him do a Miss Universe pagaent in the Philippines many years ago

Finally, we close this week with some concerns about faithful marriages from Dr. Bob:

"He's going to his bachelor party? Well, he may never come back when he hears about this!" - Bob on Amanda's "Will you marry me Bob?" shirt

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Barkerisms: Oh what a night! edition

Here's week #3 of the late Barkerisms - and the ones from a week I'll never forget... Well, more like a night I'll never forget! Quite frankly, I'm still somewhat in shock at seeing both Bob Barker AND the Material Girl within a little over six months. How do you top that?!

Well, I can't do that here, but I'll at least give you something to laugh at!

"I'm afraid to ask her where she put that. I was looking over here and you all acted in such a way that I think I know where it is!" - Bob, after Ida took her $500 bonus and stuffed it in her bra

"I'm going to suggest our contestants take their shoes off to play these games!" - Bob, after Darren removed his shoes before playing Eazy Az 1-2-3 - and won (gee, so you suggest I take these off?)

"That little please at the end helped!" - Bob, after Evan asked if he had at least two numbers right in One Away

"You should never wear shoes again!" - Bob, after Darren won his showcase - with his shoes off once again!

"And now that you're thoroughly confused, step over here and flip, or flop, or flip flop!" - Bob, after explaining the rules to Flip Flop

"Now, Dean, we have been doing this show for... Well, we're wrapping up our 34th year. And you're only the second contestant to run the wrong way!" - Bob, after Dean had no idea where to go after being called on down

"Get anything besides 60 cents, please!" - Bob, to Bettysue, after she tied Albertsain twice already in the Showcase Showdown

"Now, Brandon, I want to help you out a little bit here. It is not necessary, because this is a race against time. You don't need to say Bob everytime! I appreciate that. In the Air Force, he has learned to say 'Forty four, sir!', 'Thirty three, sir!' And instead of sir now it's Bob, Bob, Bob! And it's costing him time. It's probably cost him four seconds!" - Bob, after Brandon concluded every guess with "Bob" while playing Clock Game

"Depends on how well you know the people, I guess!" - Bob, after he and Lana tried to figure out how many people could fit into the hot tub she was playing for

"Let's see.. That 9... 12... Well, it's a lot of money!" - Bob, thinking twice about wanting to add up the total of the four prizes being offered in Race Game

"They're on their feet applauding you! I should have you here more often!" - Bob, in response to Mareia's standing ovation

"Get back over here. I have an eager one here, don't I?" - Bob, after Kristen tried to start playing Bonkers before Bob told her to go

But this week's Barkerism Of The Week should finally show people that if you don't get picked, don't blame Bob!

"Rich, just before we went back on the air, I heard a little voice up here say 'Call my name, Bob!' I don't call the names around here. I can't help you! I can't help you!" - Bob, after Marie pleaded with him to pick her

And yet more to come in the next few days!