Saturday, June 24, 2006

Barkerisms: Season 34's in the books edition

Here they finally are, the Barkerisms from the final 7 episodes of season 34. Enjoy!

"You need a new group of friends!" - Bob, after Danielle's group told her to stop in It's In The Bag (costing her a chance to win $4,000)

"Remedios, don't make this difficult! They'll answer, wherever they are!" - Bob, after Remedios turned playing One Away into utter confusion

"Everybody's in a hurry on this show today!" - Bob, after TWO contestants in the same show headed right up on stage after being called

"Now I have Diane bookends here!" - Bob, after a Diane got called down to fill the empty spot at the end of Contestant's Row (and there was already a Diane on the other end)

"That is far and away the most popular bid of the day thus far!" - Bob, after Ronald bid $1

Diane: "Come on, Bob!"
Bob: "It's not my fault! I just pull it out! Don't blame ol' Bob!"
- Bob, after Diane drew an envelope with 0 in it on Pocket Change

"I'm so glad there's not another overbid!" - Bob, not only after an overbid, but after John dragged things out (not know what he was bidding on, not paying attention to anyone else's bids)

"I just noticed: You're all still standing! Get seated, please! I think that is the longest standing ovation of my entire career!" - Bob, after the audience was still on their feet, even after the first item was bid on

"I want to clear up a misunderstanding. I thought the audience was still standing for me, giving me a standing ovation. But I look back just now, and they're standing for that car... A standing ovation for the car. I guess this is just a standing ovation crowd!" - Bob, who has an audience that'd make Ms. "I hate sitters!" Madonna happy

"Now, Hilda, I have good news for you, and bad news for you. The good news is, you've been called to be a contestant down in Contestant's Row. The bad news is, you're up on stage. Get down there where you belong!" - Bob, on yet another contestant who doesn't know what "Come on down!" means

"With this attempt to get sympathy, I think Hilda thinks she's on 'Queen For A Day'. But this is The Price Is Right!" - Bob, after Hilda said "I've been married for 63 years and I can't get on stage!" during the commercial break, then claimed she can't think straight from sleeping on the sidewalk since midnight to get in

"He does the game better than I do!" - Bob, after forgetting to gave Wayne one of the price tags for Race Game

"Now, John, is that secret X is there (the top), you win. If that secret X is there (the middle), you win. If that secret X is there (the bottom)... Well, you'll get to spin the big wheel at the end of the show!" - Bob, summing up the situation for John on Secret X

Marilyn: "I love you! I love you!"
Bob: "You'll love me more if you win this car!"
- Bob & Marilyn, while playing Ten Chances

"Been watching ever since he was a little boy, and he ends up on the wrong side of the wheel!" - Bob, after Oliver tried to walk over to the right side of the wheel to spin it

"And, Mom? She's been on television, right here, for the last hour!" - Bob, after Tessa (one of the first four called down) said hi to her mother before the final One-Bid

"Now, I would just like to point out to anyone who may be about to spin the big wheel that it might help to say something particularly nice to Bob!" - Bob, after Cyrus got $1.00, and who said Bob was the best dressed man on television before spinning

The Barkerism of the Week, though, is not just funny, but a public service announcement: Don't be an obnoxious neighbor!

"When the doors opened, I asked Ronald if he liked the prizes. He said 'Ohh, I like music and drinking!' I'm worried about his poor neighbors! How would you like to live next door to, or above, or below a drunk drummer?!" - Bob, on Ronald's reaction to playing for a bar set and a drum set

Thanks for another great season, Bob! And the best thing is, season 35 is just around the corner!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Barker never fails to amaze.

And Ronald should not drum when drunk. In fact, no one should.

A standing ovation for a car. Gee, why don't I get standing ovations?

1:59 PM  
Blogger Shwartzman said...

''You would love me more if you win thi car'thats what I'm talking about.Don't you love this guy.I never payed attention to him that much but now c'mon baby tell me what's next.

6:04 PM  

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