Friday, September 01, 2006

I sacrificed my voice for television history!

Yesterday, I attended my fourth taping of The Price Is Right. However, this wasn't just any taping... This was a piece of television history - the premiere episode for TPIR's 35th season!

Needless to say, spirits were high, and the energy from this crowd could've powered all of Southern California. I thought the first three tapings were energetic and passionate... NOTHING could've prepared me for this. Not only was there more energy and passion yesterday than the previous three tapings combined, but Michael and I both did our share of fueling that energy throughout the day.

We all knew this was big, but we didn't realize just how big until we saw the media attention that our little party was about to get. A crew from Entertainment Tonight Canada showed up just after 10:00 am to speak to little ol' us. Countless pictures were snapped of the audience members as they waited to enter. And when we did enter, we were greeted with a number of cameras (both still and video) up on stage.

When I attended my first taping back in November, I had spoken of the feeling of walking into a piece of history. That was magnified by about 10,000 yesterday. This truly was a celebration of 35 seasons of history, of a show that started off as a game show and has turned into a true piece of American culture.

No matter what would happen during those 60 minutes that all of America will see, I knew I was taking part in a truly unforgettable, one of a kind experience...

And I'll do my best to take you through some of it with us.

Chuck ROCKS! Poor Chuck. He seemed so happy and excited on April 27, when he posted on and told us he had just been hired to be a page at CBS, and would get to work TPIR occasionally...

I don't think ANYTHING could've prepared him for what he was about to face.

Chuck, just after 10:00 am, went through the rules and regulations with an over-the-top speech (I jokingly referred to it as "Shatner on crack"). During that speech, he touched on the fact that you must put your LEGAL first name on your contestant card, citing the example that he would put "Charles"...

However, he made the mistake of saying "Don't call me Charles!", so of course once he finished his speech, I shouted "THANK YOU, CHARLES!"

Poor Chuck. We were only getting started... Because a couple of idiots *sweet, angelic smile* at the end of the first bench started up the first "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!" chant of the day as he walked by to start collecting contestant cards. And, sure enough, a few seconds later that chant of two had turned into a chant of about 120 as everyone joined in...

Michael had his fun with Chuck's delivery of the rules, by greeting him with an equally over the top "HERE I COME TO SAAAAAAVE THE DAY!" when Chuck came by to collect his contestant card.

Chuck's response? A flat, sarcastic "Thank you, Michael."

Chuck disappeared for about 30 minutes (probably trying to get away from us), then was greeted with yet another chant when he returned. I then chimed in with "What were you doing, Chuck? Calling security on us?! Because I would if I were you!"

Oh, boy.

It carried on all day...

Chuck walked around the corner (and past me as I was out there smoking)? I start up, and next thing you know 20 other people join in... "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"

He walks over to fire us up around noon? "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"

He tells us about his own experience as a contestant (which aired March 31 of last year)? "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"

He asked how many Yankees fans were here, so he could insult the Yankees? "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"

I think (though I can't say for certain) that he decided to get us to chant something else, so he encouraged us to chant "BOB! BOB! BOB!" when Bob entered the studio that afternoon... Which worked for a while.

Because, of course, when he went over to warm up the people around the corner, he left hearing - you guessed it! - "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"

Poor, poor Chuck...

Michael and I tried to get chants started for the other pages as well ("SA-RA! SA-RA! SA-RA!"), but these just didn't take off...

Of course, the wait in line consisted of more of the usual insanity: Cheering other potential contestants after their interviews completed, cheering people as they came around the corner after completing their interviews, cheering people as they entered and exited the restrooms, and so many high-fives it's a miracle our hands didn't fall off...

I don't think at this point Rich needed to warm us up after we entered the studio - any hotter, and we would've set Bob on fire!

Next stop: Television history! Fifteen minutes later than usual, we finally make that walk into Mecca itself - with the obligatory high-fives on the way in.

Usually upon entering the Bob Barker Studio, we enter to the lights dimmed and a fairly empty stage... Not today.

Instead, the lights are on, and we're greeted with three people with video cameras and a still photographer. And, the staff wasted no time cranking up the music and trying to get 334 people even more fired up.

It certainly worked...

People clapped, people screamed, people danced, the only thing missing from this party (at this point) were Bob, Rich and an assortment of prizes.

But at the moment, we didn't need them... We had energy. We had music.

And we had Chuck!

Yes, Chuck was in the studio, having the honor of working inside the Bob Barker Studio for this historic day...

And, sure enough, two people greeted him with "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"... Which turned into 334 people chanting his name...

He paraded around, carrying the sign which stated the air date for this episode... "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!"...

He then did it again, and you guessed it - another chant!

Finally, they cranked up Crystal Waters' "Come On Down", briefly dimmed the lights, and out came Rich Fields to warm us up, greeted with not only a standing ovation, but you guessed it...


Well, sure enough, he got us even more fired up. He drilled us on what to do upon hearing the phrase "Bob Barker" (a thunderous standing ovation and chant), and set himself up again for yet another Madgeism...

Rich: "27 years ago, I was sitting right there in the back for my first taping. It was 1979, I had just turned 18. You do the math..."

Maddy: "19!"

Rich: "Bless your little heart! Deborah, you said that? Get her name down, I need to send her a Christmas card! Deborah, what's your last name?"

Maddy: "Gibson!"

Rich: "Gibson.. Wait a minute.. That makes you Debbie Gibson!"

Maddy: "Uhh.. Yeah!"

He went through the story about his first "turn" as announcer (when Johnny let him take the microphone before the show and shout "Johnny Olson, come on down!".. The good news/bad news routine ("The bad news is, we have rules. The good news is, I just saved a bunch of money on my insurance by switching to Geico!"), and the usual drill ("Yes, you can hug." "Yes, ladies, you can kiss." "Ladies, no sloppy kisses. Guys, no kissing!")

And, now, it was finally about that time.. After hours of cheering Chuck, and Rich, and each other...

Bob has entered the building! The Man himself makes his entrance, greeted with a thunderous ovation and an equally thunderous chant of "BOB! BOB! BOB!" - one which didn't stop until the first item up for bids was revealed...

He was then greeted with yet another after the first pricing game, and his usual response of "Please, thank you. One standing ovation a day is enough for a man like me!" received the response of "No, it's not!" from Michael...

And it certainly wasn't.. Not today. Not kicking off your 35th season of The Price Is Right... And not kicking off your 50th season on television!

Bob was in prime form today, no doubt fired up as well.

During the commercial breaks, we heard requests ("Bob, can you wish my mother a happy 85th birthday?" "You tell your mother when you get home that Bob Barker said 'Happy 85th birthday!'"), we heard compliments (Thanking him for all the great years, and one who thanked him for all his animal rights work, saying the world would be a better place with more people like him - greeted with yet another "BOB! BOB! BOB!" chant), and of course... Barkerisms!

After the THIRD standing ovation of the day: "First, you're going to spoil me. Second, we still have an hour to go!" Rich replied to that by yelling "They love you, Bob!"

Boy, did he have that right... I think we tried to give him more applause that day than the previous 34 seasons COMBINED!

In response to those of us who were born AFTER The Price Is Right debuted: "Can you imagine what your parents did BEFORE The Price Is Right?" (after a pregnent pause) "They watched Truth Or Consequences!"

After a mini-group (we had no full, official groups yesterday) calling themselves "Barker's Dirty Dozen" got his attention: "There's more than a dozen of you!" (There were 13, as in a baker's dozen - or would that be a baRker's dozen?)

Another group, calling themselves "Bob's Adopted Kids" got his attention: "That's a scary sight to wake up to!"

Another mini group wearing orange shirts with the Texas flag, saying "Don't mess with Barker": "You're not a group. You're just a bunch of people in orange shirts!"

In response to the three mini groups: "So I have Bob's Dirty Dozen, Bob's Adopted Kids, and Bob's guys in orange shirts!"

Two people try to pass themselves off as a group: "You're not a group! You're just two people!"

Four others try it: "You're not a group! You're just four people who went drinking together last night!"

On why he hasn't done anymore movies: "I refuse to do any nude scenes!"

After a few people brought gifts for Bob: "If any of you are embarassed because you didn't bring a gift, money will do quite nicely!"

After one of the "Dirty Dozen" asked for a kiss: "Can't you see I'm working up here?! However, I'll meet you in the parking lot after the show!"

A man posed a trivia question to Bob (What is Quamba, and where is it). Bob and everyone on stage plays pass the question ("Uhh, you take this one, Rich." "No, this is yours, Marty!"). Bob finally suggests it's a beer, Rich thinks is tequilia. Once they're given the answer (a town in Minnesota with 89 people), Bob slaps his thigh and yells "Damn! I knew that! Wait, are you sure it's 89 people? I could've sworn there were only 88!"

After the second person asked for a handshake "If I shook everyone's hand, I'd be here all night! I may as well run for office at this point!" (But, yes, he shook her hand)

(The first person to ask for a handshake was a handicapped person who walked with a cane. Bob said "Of course!", shook his hand, then he walked over to get a hug from Rich - and was warmly applauded by the audience.)

Bob also made the mistake of trying to share the applause by urging us to give a round of applause to the staff there at CBS. This led to - you guessed it - one last chant of "CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK!".

At this point, Chuck must've either felt 15 feet tall, or looking to crawl into a hole and bury himself!

Another person asked Bob how they could get Rich's job: "You can't. Rich is staying with me forever!" (I was sitting right near Rich, and looked over to see him shaking his finger at the person who asked)

Poor Roger Dobkowitz even got it during the show. Why? Because someone in the audience kept running up and throwing confetti throughout the show, and did so right after Bob entered... Bob thought (at first) that it was cooked up by Roger, and said "I thought you told me everything you were going to do!", which inspired a two person chant of "DOB! DOB! DOB!"

Roger was looking right over at us, and then wasn't seen for a few more minutes after that. We must've scared him off..

What can I say but I did it! I stopped The Dob!

But, we got two great ones...

"Bob, what's your secret to looking so young and being so healthy?"
"What's my secret, you ask? Booze!"
(Audience erupts, and yet another "BOB! BOB! BOB!" chant begins)
"You're only doing that because you're a bunch of drunks! I was joking!" (he then went on to say it's his diet and exercise)

But, you can't have a historic, monumental episode of The Price Is Right without THE Barkerism, the one that started it all...

"Bob, speaking of movies, can we hear a line from Happy Gilmore?"

"That would not be appropriate! I can't say that here! There are women here! See Fingers Greco over there? I don't think she should hear that!" *audience cheers some more, egging him on* "And we have the vice president of CBS Daytime over here too!" (Sorry, I didn't catch her name) "Okay, I'll ask her if I should say it..." *audience erupts again* "Don't do that! Don't try to sway her!"

"Okay.. These young people over here want me to say 'The price is right, bitch!'" *audience goes nuts, drowns out the rest of what Bob says, as he is greeted with yet another chant*

And not only that, but Bob is now aware of the whole concept of Barkerisms!

Michael raised his hand at one point to ask a question, and this was the exchange that took place:

Michael: "We get a kick out of all the jokes and stories you tell during the commercial breaks - in fact, we refer to them as Barkerisms. Have you ever considered taping them, releasing them on DVD, and giving the proceeds to animal rights organizations?"

Bob: You know, that is a great idea! Thank you!"

Michael: "Just a second. Bob? Actually, that wasn't my idea. It's her idea!" *pointing at me*

Bob *looking at me*: "It is a great idea. Thank you!"

Talk about high praise! Wow...

Just an unbelievable day, with a surreal ending... After the show wrapped up, Bob walked up (greeted with one last standing ovation), thanked everyone, and asked for us to give a round of applause to "the best announcer in the business, Rich Fields" - with Bob surrounded by nearly a dozen cameras and microphones from the various media agencies here to cover this piece of history.

Rich, of course, got more than applause, as he too got a standing O, and one last chant as he and Bob briefly hugged.

What a day!

As for the show itself, a contestant... No. I can't tell you. I can't share what happened. I won't play the spoiler. All I will say is if you are a fan of The Price Is Right, you MUST watch this episode, which will air September 18. You won't want to miss this! Consider this Must See TV! Watch it! Tape it! Tivo it! Just make sure you watch!

No, I wasn't picked. My involvement with this historic day consisted of cheering, screaming, chanting and watching everything in person.

Oh, yes... And getting an autograph.

After the show, I walked up to Rich Fields, shook hands, and then got him to sign the back of my contestant card. So, now I have a neon pink card, with a giant "044" on it (how fitting as a lifelong Reggie Jackson fan), signed by Rich Fields. :)

But you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for anything...

Except maybe a date with Madonna.

Here's to 35 amazing seasons, and here's hoping for 35 more!


Blogger Shwartzman said...

I think I just wanna liave my comment somewhere here.I'm really grateful to God that,you have met all these wanderful people and have had the experience all the joy of wining aldough it wosn't you that has won,you felt joy and only a person freed from all earthly defects can be so excited obout somebodyelse winning

5:49 PM  

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