Saturday, September 23, 2006

Barkerisms: 35th Season premiere/147,517 reasons to watch edition!

Here they come! The Barkerisms from Premiere Week! And with the season premiere being such a special show (for more than one reason), I'll even include a few significant, non-Barkerism lines from the show that kicked off TPIR's 35th season.

"Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood! The first show of our record-breaking 35th year on CBS! It's the fabulous sixty minute Price Is Right!" - Rich, opening up the 35 season premiere

"And now, here is the star of The Price Is Right, a man who is celebrating his fiftieth year in television: Bob Barker!" - Rich, introducing The Man himself

"Welcome to the first show of the thirty fifth year on CBS for The Price Is Right!" - Bob, kicking off this historic day

Michael: "Can I take any out of my pocket?"
Bob: "You can't take any out of your pocket, no, and I can't loan you any!"
- Michael and Bob while playing Lucky $even during the season premiere

"During that commercial, I was talking with Roger Dobkowitz, our producer. I said 'Why didn't you tell me about that confetti?' Because that came as a complete surprise to me. He said 'I didn't have anything to do with the confetti!'. I said 'Where did it come from?' He says there is a member of the audience who ran down there. There he is! He's still throwing that confetti around! Look at that! That's where the confetti came from! We're celebrating here, but I thought I knew all the things we were doing to celebrate, but he added a new one on me! Thank you for your investment in the production of the show today!" - Bob, on the mysterious confetti-thrower at the season premiere (and, yes, Maddy took a handful of it home with her!)

"I love you! I do! I tell you, she says she loves me, and I told her I love her. I love her, and all of us on this stage love all of you, because without you... Without you, and people just like you there at home watching our show, we would never have lasted 34 years on CBS!" - Bob, thanking all of us for our role in helping this show last 34 years

Adam: "I love you!"
Bob: "I love you, too, Adam! This studio is filled with love!"
- Bob and Adam, right after Adam gets called down to Contestant's Row (And as someone who was in that studio that day, believe me, it was filled with love)

Adam: "Bob, can I say I've loved your show forever, for as long as I can remember. And I want to say hi to my girlfriend Stephanie and my little brother Brandon, and..." *turns around to show off the back of his shirt
Bob: "Adam... This Is Your Life!"
- Bob and Adam, during the last One-Bid

"Poor Carolyn, all she's won is three cars!" - Bob, during the second Showcase Showdown

"But, if you are the winner, and you're $250 or less away from the retail price of your own showcase, we will give you both showcases! And the way things have gone today, it would not surprise me one bit to have it happen!" - Bob, explaining the rules of the Showcases during the season premiere (just a few minutes before Vickyann did just that to win a daytime record $147,517 in cash and prizes)

"I've never had a contestant make MORE BIDDING! than Shawn does!" - Bob, on Shawn's over the top antics while bidding

Mariel: "Why me?!"
Bob: "Because you didn't get anything right over there!"
- Bob, on why Mariel was left with 8 boxes in 1/2 Off

Bob: "I just found out something interesting that I must pursue. We have all of the Beverly Hills Police Department over here! Now, in Contestant's Row, I have Shawn. But you don't work there, you're a volunteer? Are all of you volunteers?"
Shawn: "We have everything. Forensics specialists, police officers."
Bob: "You have a forensics expert? Over there? And who's the police officer? Oh, several of them are. But, let me point out that during the commercial, I was presented with a shirt from the Beverly Hills Police Department, and it's a Get Out Of Jail shirt, should I be arrested in Beverly Hills. But the thing that concerns me is that my Get out Of Jail shirt is from a volunteer, not from anyone with any authority! So, I am going to continue to behave myself in Beverly Hills!"
- Bob, who obviously doesn't have any plans to become an outlaw now

Bob: "Who told you to keep going? You asked someone."
Jennifer: "A couple of those dudes over there!"
Bob: "Do you know those dudes over there?"
Jennifer: "No."
Bob: "What makes you think those dudes know what's going on?"
Jennifer: "Go on!"
Bob: "Okay. Simply because a couple dudes in the audience told her to. And now you have $100. Now, wait just a moment. Is there anything you'd like to say to those dudes?"
Jennifer: "Tell me what to do and get it right this time!"
Bob: "The same dudes?! I'd find myself some different dudes!"
- Bob and Jennifer (who had $500 and gave it back) during the playing on Punchboard (and showing the audience doesn't always know best

"Hello, welcome to the stage! Now, I suppose you think that during the commercial, when I told you that you look so good for 80 years old, that you pass for 65, I suppose you think you can just come up on stage and playing a pricing game and win a wonderful prize, ignoring the fact that you never stopped in Contestant's Row? Well, it's not going to work. Get off this stage! Get down where you belong!" - Bob, after Marylinn thought "Come on down!" means "Come on up on stage!"

"She spun the wheel without checking with those two dudes!" - Bob, after Jennifer chose to spin again

"I can't believe you! During the commercial break, the contestants down here sit in these sits. Well, Marylinn gets up and tries to get up on stage again! Cory from Iowa State had to grab her and keep her down there! Now, you stay down there until we tell you to come up here!" - Bob, after Marylinn tries to sneak up yet again!

"Right down here! Don't try that!" - Bob, as Jeannie started heading toward the stairs after she was picked

Bob: "You'll either be a winner, or you won't..."
Dale: "Please!"
Bob: "I hate it when contestants beg! Just take it! Take it like a 60 year old woman!"

"Now, you had that wrong, so you should not get your $4,000, but I am giving you the $4,000. It's coming out of my salary. All of you people who are affected by this emotionally, just send me money, here in Hollywood!" - Bob, after he blew the reveal on It's In The Bag

Bob: "That's an interesting way to play the game."
Brandy: "It's how my grandmother told me to play the game."
Bob: "Your grandmother told you to do that? Well, you're going to be in trouble if you're off by $500!"
- Bob, on Brandy's playing of Clock Game (where she counted from $750 to $766 by $1 each on the first prize)

Great stuff. But the Barkerism Of The Week from Kickoff Week goes to Dr. Bob, once again dishing out psychological insights...

Bob: "Today's Dale's 60th birthday! I just happen to have a lovely little birthday present behind... What?"
Dale: "I hope it's big!"
Bob: "Some women are never satisfied with anything!"
- Bob and Dale, on her potential "birthday present" (which turned out to be a new van)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You would take the confetti home! ;-)

Ah, good on you Bob. Being an outlaw is only for historical figures!

Brandy's grandmother seems a little... off.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Yep, I wanted a piece of history, so I have a handful of the confetti, hehe...

Bob would make a funny outlaw, I'm sure, but I don't think he could host from jail.

Brandy and/or her grandmother were very off, if you ask me.

3:59 AM  
Blogger Shwartzman said...

hey Puppy,hey BabyDoll,please explain to me some of this,cause if you are Madonna(my eternal wife companion),i want to know all this,see i've been in Bulgaria for too long and i've been missing some stuff,howeve if you give me a call then we can talk about it,wish you didn't play games with me..can't you just call me and tell me Hallo this is Madonna,how are you?This would be just fine.Its been a while.There is something i want to talk to you about and the whole world is waiting on us.We have to get marryed in every country and better do it soon,cause i feel little unpatient.Thats ok,i know that everything will be ok,you make it allright for me BaBYDOLL!!!i am in Love with U..100 000 000 000,will someone tell me how many more times i have to say this,will never be enough..every day for eternity will keep saying it..every day for eternity i will keep singing to you..I don't miss you,but how you used to be..and you don't ring true so please call me if you are the mother of my children,cause we could have all the kids in the world..and the world is ours..the Universe could be free and we will trouge the roads of Heaven together,fly in space and live with God.So Please Puppy you have my number right..?but here it is again in just in case:+0359890354878 OR email me at

9:24 AM  

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