Saturday, June 10, 2006

Barkerisms - almost there edition

Unfortunately, June 5-9 (aka Recovery Week) was yet another slow week for Barkerisms. I don't know if they're feeling rushed, but Bob hasn't been quite himself the last couple of weeks.. Let's hope he bounces back to form.

Just to let everyone know, the Barkerisms from the following week will go up in a day or two. However, the week of the 19-23 will be a few days late. No, I'm not planning to slack off again - after that week, there will only be two more new episodes before summer break begins. Since there's no point in adding a final post with only two shows worth, I'll just post them at the same time as the 19-23 shows...


"Now audience, I think you will agree me with that this is getting boring, isn't it?!" - Bob, after all four contestants overbid twice

"Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness!" - Bob, after not hearing any buzzers after the third round of bids

"But it's not just a vacuum, it's a lavender vacuum. Isn't that exciting?!" - Bob, on the vacuum offered in Temptation

"You see that? She threw a pretty good right there!" - Bob, after Leann took a swing at Kevin after he $1-upped her

"You know, I had thought you said $83. If you had, you probably would've won. Can we edit that out? No, the other people will probably complain!" - Bob, after everyone overbid

"Enjoy your new car... And I hope your husband enjoys your old one!" - Bob, as Nellena left the stage

"I certainly didn't imply that you had been drinking!" - Bob, after Donna stumbled coming up the stairs and swore she wasn't drunk

"Now, they've been down in Contestant's Row since the show started. Notice when they first started out, they just bid. Then as the show went on, they bid slower and slower. And now they're turning to the audience, as if to say 'I need help!'" - Bob, on Jacob and Sandra's show-long bidding patterns

"He says he saw me do a Miss Universe pagaent there, around 1898!" - Bob, after Francis said he saw him do a Miss Universe pagaent in the Philippines many years ago

Finally, we close this week with some concerns about faithful marriages from Dr. Bob:

"He's going to his bachelor party? Well, he may never come back when he hears about this!" - Bob on Amanda's "Will you marry me Bob?" shirt


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you come back when your intended wants someone else to marry them?

Will $1-upping EVER end?

It's a vacuum? How boring.

"But it's lavender!"

Well, let me just get my credit card out! It's lavender? You don't say?! Man, that just makes it all so much better!

<- end sarcasm ->

2:26 AM  
Blogger Deborah said...

I would hope the "Marry me Bob" shirt was a joke.. If not, that marriage could be in trouble...

$1-upping will never end. It's part of the game..

Of course vacuums are boring - that's why Bob tried to make it sound fun by mentioning it was lavender, heh.... I think even he knew that was a gift on Temptation that wasn't going to blow the contestant's mind away...

2:51 AM  

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